Hey, I've been looking around for this info, and haven't run across it yet, can I get a BOM list and generic instructions on how to hook up the 3DClippy servo?
I originally wanted to do the 3DC install on a K1, but I'm waiting to see how much the CFS upgrade kit is going to cost for the K1, and I want to set it up on a Ender 3 V3 SE with a Nebula Pad upgrade for Klipper.
What about the BOM part list for a recommended servo and anything else to use for it?
There are several versions of the 3DClippy, but the ones we publish have 3D Models that are fully assembled in the Tinkercad models... so be sure to check there. As for instructions on how to hook it up, we have detailed instructions in the Getting Started forums pinned posts.