I've been doing a lot of HueForge prints and wanted AMS support for my Prusa Mini for a while and I've pretty much decided I want to go with the 3D Chameleon. I've been told I should wait till April for the mk4 to come out, but I'm not clear on what the differences are.
From the FAQ:
"The Mk4 will come in two versions, the Mk4 and the Mk4 Pro. The current Mk3 (since October 2023) is identical to the Mk4 (base) except for the firmware, that is the ONLY difference. It was already silently upgraded to the Mk4 hardware back in October. Again, the only difference will be the firmware, which is, as always, a free upgrade."
So to make sure I'm understanding this correctly. If I order a 3d chameleon now, I'll basically be getting a mk4 except it's running mk3 firmware. Come April, I'll get the firmware upgrade for free. So, if it's just that, there's no reason for me to wait till April to buy it.
However, I've heard talk of an mk4 pro which has additional hardware. If I want to upgrade my mk4 to an mk4 pro, I'd need to buy the new hardware separately, correct? What does the mk4 pro have that the base mk4 doesn't? Is the upgrade something I can print out? I watched a YouTube video where you talked about there being a $39 filament cutter addon, is that part of it?
Thank you!
For those that upgraded from Mk2 to Mk3, is hardware the same? Almost sounds like the hardware was swapped out on newer Mk3 kits. Really interested in the sensor less homing, I gave up trying to get the mk3 working because I never could get the gcode right for distances.
We've published 100% of the information we're ready to talk about at this time. The Mk3 IS the Mk4 Base hardware... just not the firmware... and there will be a free upgrade. I don't know why someone is telling you to wait... especially with something as simple as HueForge... which only changes the color a few times during a print... the system won't change in any respect as to what it's capabilites are currently, so there is no reason to wait. The Auto 3DClippy is one of the features that will be an add-on, along with the auto detection of the position of the filament... but neither of those are required. They're optional... in fact, with HueForge prints, they'll literally give you nothing, as they won't be needed for that type of printing. The Mk4 will have additional features (modes of operation) in addition to what the Mk3 has, but that a software only change. The Mk3 was already upgraded to the Mk4 hardware, which had increased its strength and reliability so much we thought we'd get it into production as soon as it was ready, so we did. The other features (or pricing) have yet to be announced, and won't be, until April at the Rocky Mountain RepRap Fest. Bill