my shopping list (version 1.0)
Inside x outside x width price EUR/USD
4 x ball bearings 5x16x5 625RS 1.15 / piece
2 x ball bearings 10x19x5 6800RS 2.00 / piece
2 x NEMA17 motor 40mm MT-1703HS120A 12.50 / piece
2 x motor cable 4Pin to 6Pin HX2.54 1.50 / piece
1 x Arduino UNO 75x54x13 ATMega328P 5.00 / piece
2 x A4988 driver incl. heat sink 1/16 Micosteps 2.00 / piece
alternative DRV8825
1 x I2C display 128x64 pixels 0.96" - 1.3" OLED 5.00 / piece
*1 x socket with on/off switch 2.00 / piece
1 x power supply 5.55x2.1mm DC 12V/3A 8.50 / piece
*1 x converter DC step-down LM2596S 1.25 / piece
*1 x Servo 25KG 180 degrees Miuzei 17.00 / piece
5 or (6)* x Bowden connect.V6 1.75mm Straight-Through 0.80 / piece
1 x CNC shield v3 5.00 / piece
8 x cone springs 0.5x3.5-6x5mm xjsxzc USA 0.50 / piece
alternative 0.5x3.5-4.5x7-5
8 x M3 screws 30mm 0.30 / piece
1 x PTFE tube 5m 1.75mm 6.00 / piece
1 x Dupont ConnKit 2,54mm 6.00 / piece
1 x limit switch 3pin Rep-Rap 1.50 / piece
4 x Filamentalist buffer and spoolholder 9.50 / piece
( * optional for 3D Clippy )
all local EUR dealers - Filamentalist CHN import - springs USA import or CHN import
feel free to expand the list
thank u for answering.
what firmware were you using with the cnc shield?