Okay. I am having some extreme problems with the mainboard. You are probably better off with me just lowering the price $15 (the cost of the board) and sourcing your own. Danielz.crapp is making some that will be sold sometime soon.
We can try eBay if you want. Just let me know when you list it and send me the link. Maybe you could do a “best offer” listing and I can reply to that.
That should work. I will set the price to something crazy, like $400, but you just offer $170. Once you receive it, I should be able to help you set it up to some extent. I have never set it up on a Bowden printer though, so I cannot help you there. Chris Riley has a very helpful video series detailing setup. One more thing, it may be worth buying a 3D Clippy servo, as it completely eliminates tip shaping. My kit will not come with one, but I will include a buck converter so you can use one in the future.
Around $170 (not including auto-calculated shipping). I have an already built kit that I can send you. Before I do that, I am going to print some mounts for the ender 3 pro and redesign my box for the CNC shield v4. What is the best way for you to buy it? I am thinking ebay, but the only danger of that is someone else buying it before you. It should be ready to buy within 1-3 weeks.
My budget isn’t that high. I was only expecting something like $200. I think the Chameleon was around that when Bill was building and selling. I haven’t added up what all the parts cost tho.
The parts are (in total) quite a bit cheaper than $200. It may be more feasible to buy all the parts and have the printed pieces made by a company like JLCPCB. I have helped countless others find all the parts they need for cheap (except stepper motors since those are always pricy) on aliexpress. It may be worth putting together your own. Since I already had some stepper motors on hand, I spent around $50-75 building my chameleon. It is definitely within budget.
How much are you willing to spend on this? If you have a high budget, it may be worth looking at co-print. It will be a quite a bit simpler to set up and has all of the good features (like a filament cutter and screen) pre installed. It also has its own pad to control the printer, so you don't have to use the old control wheel and 8-bit screen. The Ender-3 Pro is compatible with it (see here: https://coprint3d.com/pages/compatible-list) and works well from what i've heard. Another thing to consider before buying a co-print or chameleon set is the Elegoo Centauri Series (still in pre-order, so you would have to wait a bit). The Centauri Carbon is enclosed, while the Centauri (non-carbon) isn't, but is $100 cheaper (https://us.elegoo.com/products/centauri). The reason to consider this is that in Q3 2025 they will release their own multicolor system, and I am pretty sure that with Elegoo trying to make it as cheap as possible (they made a $199 P1P rival), that it will be quite affordable. (after all, if I were to sell my chameleon, I would most likely buy a centauri). These are just some other options to
Before I set a price a such, I have a question. Do you know how to use Arduino IDE and other similar things? I have an Arduino CNC Shield v4 mainboard setup, but if you have never used an arduino, it may be worth me just selling you the other stuff, and buying a chameleon main board from danielz.crapp here: https://www.3dchameleon.com/forum/getting-started/selling-mk4-mainboard
Also, what printer are you planning on setting it up on? I may have already printed some mounts.
Yes that’ll work
Ok perfect. Just send the link when it’s listed
We can try eBay if you want. Just let me know when you list it and send me the link. Maybe you could do a “best offer” listing and I can reply to that.
I’d gladly pay you to build one for me. How much would you want?
My budget isn’t that high. I was only expecting something like $200. I think the Chameleon was around that when Bill was building and selling. I haven’t added up what all the parts cost tho.
I’ve never used Arduino before. I have an Ender 3 Pro. I live in the US….New Jersey to be exact
How much are you willing to pay? I love the 3D chameleon idea, and community, but I haven't found much time to work on it.