Hey! I'm having trouble understanding exactly where each filament should be "loaded to" -should they be just before the splitter? in the splitter? and where do we count the loading and unloading measurement from for switching? (I'm using an Ender 3 pro with the stock extruder). is the measurement from the gear drive to the hot end? or is it supposed to roughly account for the length of the splitter and little bowden tube? How should things be at the start of the print? should colour/material 1 be loaded in all the way to the hotend as usual, or is there something different? Thanks!
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If it's shy of the gears, you need to increase the time the button is pressed... or shorten the distance between the Y adapter and the extruder's drive gears. That distance (by default) was a maximum of 4", but it sounds like yours might be longer. To increase it, look for the G4 commands where the filament is loading and increase the time. The default time is 10 seconds for a 10 inch (250mm load). If you are coming up 1 inch short, for example, increase it by 1 second. (The system moves the filament at about 1 inch per second.)