Hello, apologies if I'm missing this info somewhere, but I can't seem to figure out how one should get started with 8 colours.
I would like to jump in with both feet making HueForge images with 8 colours, with 2 chameleon units. Is there a doc or some advice out there for how to best set this up?
I have 3 printer types in my farm: CR-10, Ender 3V2, FLSUN V400. Ideally I'd like to install on the V400, which has a ton of vertical clearance above the direct drive for splitters, and a really nice loading process that never jams or misfeeds once the filament is in the tube stub above the extruder.
I am imagining 2 chameleon units, feeding into a 2->1 joiner, feeding into the printer's extruder. But it would be great if someone that has done 8/12/16/etc. colours could provide a bit of guidance on what gear is recommended, or how you set yours up...unfortunately I can't find any relevant video on the YouTube channel, or any explanation in this support forum.
Any help is greatly appreciated, I am very excited to get going but I want to make sure I'm getting the right stuff and have the best plan in mind.
Having multiple units really is no different than having a single unit... you just use multiple switches. The command sequence really is the only thing that changes... and the custom tool change gcode will need be modified for dual switches... but really it's a big IF ENDIF block around whether the previous extruder and next extruder are in the 1-4 and 5-8 ranges to determine which button to press. The command sequences remain the same between the two... and with the 5, 6, and 7 command pulses, it makes it quite easy to unload one and switch to the other to load from it. The PTFE tubing is also quite simple, we provide 2 color Y adapters for users that buy two kits with this intention.
Just drop me an email and I'll help you out on it.
I'm also working on a video that demonstrates exactly this installation on an Ender 3 style machine.