I ordered a 3D Chameleon yesterday for my Ender 3 V2. I am really looking forward to installing it and using it. However before I start the installation I have a couple of questions. Please forgive me if these have already been answered in this forum but I could not find them.
I have seen several mentions in YouTube videos of using the extruder on the 3D Chameleon instead of the extruder that is on the Ender 3. I am looking for instructions on how to do this. Can you share a link? Also I see that the use of 3D Clippy is also recommended, is that necessary or a nice to have? If it is a necessary where can I find details of that?
Thank You
Thank you so much
Thank you for the prompt response. I will go with the recommendations. Are Mode 2 and Mode 3 explained in the installation instructions?
The Mk3 does not support the extruder replacement mode... that is a previous generation that did that. We only support Mode 2 and Mode 3 installations where the 3DChameleon loads/unloads your existing extruder. On your Ender 3, Mode 2 is recommended, but Mode 3 will work just fine, but doesn't provide any benefit and is a little harder to set up. The 3DClippy is an open source project and is not included with the 3DChameleon... we only offer it as an optional solution. There are files available for it on Tinkercad... just search for 3DClippy and you'll find them, along with a 3D model of the installation.