So, looking further into this, it appears that the bug from the previous message doesn't apply... However, it's opened up a can of worms in regards to how the I2C bus is being handled by two different libraries. There goes appear to be a potential issue and I'm having to break out the big guns to debug it.
Until then, I'm going to build a new firmware that removes some unused (at this point) code that supported some other features until I can unify their respective I2C libraries so this conflict doesn't exist.
Removing the OLED shouldn't have any effect on it.
So, looking further into this, it appears that the bug from the previous message doesn't apply... However, it's opened up a can of worms in regards to how the I2C bus is being handled by two different libraries. There goes appear to be a potential issue and I'm having to break out the big guns to debug it.
Until then, I'm going to build a new firmware that removes some unused (at this point) code that supported some other features until I can unify their respective I2C libraries so this conflict doesn't exist.
Removing the OLED shouldn't have any effect on it.