Would it be possible to use 4 of the creality ender 3 style bowden extruders (like the one here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WHYBVJ5/ref=twister_B0BKSW1LW3?_encoding=UTF8&th=1) with my direct drive instead of the 2 motor setup? This would be a little more expensive but would have (mostly) all metal parts. Has anyone else done this? If so, it would be appreciated if you shared the code.
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
There is a commercial product that does this. CoPrint. I ordered the Kickstarter and have been working on it for a couple of months. The hardware looks very good, and I have been able to print a single color. What has taken me so long is I'm trying to interface to a Rat Rig which has a very customized version of Klipper. They seem to have out of the box solutions for many Creality printers. You might want to take a look at them, what I like is the system is complete, extruders to push the filament to the hot end, which has the actual extruder a filament cutter custom heater nozzle and built in bed sensor.