Would it be possible to use 4 of the creality ender 3 style bowden extruders (like the one here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WHYBVJ5/ref=twister_B0BKSW1LW3?_encoding=UTF8&th=1) with my direct drive instead of the 2 motor setup? This would be a little more expensive but would have (mostly) all metal parts. Has anyone else done this? If so, it would be appreciated if you shared the code.
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
I understand. I was not sure what printer you had. I like to experiment and this looked like a good solution to try. I had the 3DC and could never get it to work, but saw in my opinion what the weak points were. I have a Bambu X1C and a Prusa XL with 5 heads,so saw what can be done with multifilament systems. The advantages they both have is a way to detect filament error and they have a good way to swap the filament. The 3DC has neither, it depends on hitting a switch and hoping the retraction and insertion work, with no feedback.
The Klippy mod was a big improvement, but not universal addon, it had to ve designed for each printer.