I have spent many hours on this, but finally have a semi decent version of the mounts I created for my install of the 3d Chameleon on my Kobra 2 Max. Thanks Bill for creating an awesome tool and helping me get it up and running. Please let me know if anyone has any questions and feel free to modify any of these to make improvements, I am an amateur at best and created these using tinkercad and a lot of patience and time.
I decided to make a clippy due to the different types and brands of filaments I use and spent hours and hours with unsuccessful tip shaping. I have colors changes to around 30 seconds or less and it is working quite reliably at the moment. I was initially worried about filament waste, but with the settings I have it is able to change colors pretty quickly without a huge purge.
I still might make slight enhancements to these designs, but for now, this is what I have currently mounted to my printer and working.
One of the goals of making these was to make it as compatible with the included 3dChameleon hardware and existing anycubic kobra 2 max device with as little extras and modifications needed. The only thing needed for this is a slightly longer screw to mount the clippy to the extruder motor mount on the hot end and a few zip ties.
I created an additional adapter to not mess with cutting notches in the PTFE tubes to hold them into the 3dChameleon. I had issues with them popping out occasionally and decided to go a different route by creating the adapter that used the include PTFE adapter in the 3dChameleon kit. I jsut feed the tubes through the mount and into the 3d chameleon extruder.
Links for STL's for the mounts:
Extruder Top Mount: https://www.printables.com/model/856385-3d-chameleon-extruder-top-mount-for-anycubic-kobra
Extruder PTFE Adapter Mount: https://www.printables.com/model/856390-3d-chameleon-ptfe-adapter-for-anycubic-kobra-2-max
Endstop/Limit Switch Mount: https://www.printables.com/model/856366-3d-chameleon-endstoplimit-switch-mount-for-anycubi
3d Clippy/Filament Cutter: https://www.printables.com/model/856285-3d-chameleon-clippy-for-anycubic-kobra-2-max
Here is the Gcode I am currently using (note there are no G4 commands as the machine for some reason does not recognize these commands and with the help of Bill, the codes here is updated to use moving the x axis to set time). I also have a step to extrude a line along the right side after the first load so that we can be sure the nozzle is primed.
; Auto generated 3D Chameleon Mk3 Tool Change GCode for PrusaSlicer
; - 3D Chameleon Mk3 Tool T{next_extruder} -
;begin switch from extruder {previous_extruder} to extruder #{next_extruder}
M117 Unloading Tool T[previous_extruder]
G90 ; set absolute positioning
M82 ; turn absolute distances for the extruder
; unload extruder {previous_extruder}
G92 E0
; go to holding position to unload the stock extruder
; if this is the first load, then don't unload
; load extruder #{next_extruder}
M117 Loading Tool T{next_extruder}
{if previous_extruder>-1}
; back out the filament for cutting
G0 E-58 F2000 ;was 58 F1000 retract a bit, adjust this to tune waste
G92 E0
;<<< Clippy! >>>
G0 X60 F8000; Get ready to cut filament
G0 X-75 F3000; Move to cut
G0 X400 F8000; Move to other side
G0 X430 F3000; retract blade
;<<<End Clippy! >>>
M83 ; turn relative distances for the extruder
G0 E20 F2000 ; was 10<<<---- if mechanical cutter, change to a positive value of at least 5mm
G92 E0
; we skipped to here if it was extruder -1
; press the button to select the new extruder
G0 Y430 F2000 ; press the button
{if next_extruder==0}
G0 X415 F1800; dwell for .5 seconds - adjust this to match your machines single pulse time
{if next_extruder==1}
G0 X415 F900; dwell for 1.0 seconds - adjust this to match your machines two pulse time
{if next_extruder==2}
G0 X415 F675; dwell for 1.5 seconds - adjust this to match your machines three pulse time
{if next_extruder==3}
G0 X415 F450; dwell for 2.0 seconds - adjust this to match your machines four pulse time
G0 Y427 F2000; back off button
; back out filament if needed after cut
{if previous_extruder>-1}
G0 Y430 F2000 ; push button to unload
G0 X385 F450; was 370 pause on button to retract filament
G0 Y427 F2000 ; Back off button
G0 X430 F8000;
G0 Y430 F2000 ; Push button to load
G0 X385 F450; was 370 pause on button to load filament
G0 E35 F2000; was 45 F1500<<<--- adjust this E value to tune extruder loading
G0 Y427 F2000 ; Back off button
G0 X430 F8000;
G92 E0
G0 E25 F2000 ; was 65 and this worked, change it back if needed<<<<<----------- EDIT THIS DISTANCE TO FINE TUNE THE FILAMENT LOADING TO STOP BLOBBING OR UNDEREXTRUSION
G92 E0
; If this is the first load, extrude a few lines to make sure the filament is loaded and the nozzle is primed
{if previous_extruder==-1} ;extrude a line if first load
G0 X427 Y400 Z0.2 F1000;
G0 Y200 E50
G92 E0
G0 X425 F1000
G0 Y427 E50
G0 X430 F350
G92 E0
M83 ; turn relative distances for the extruder
M117 3D Chameleon Tool T{next_extruder}
Did you stick something in the the extruder gear release on top, to hold it open?
Great write up! Can you post in the facebook group? https://www.facebook.com/groups/233297249809810