So ive been testing the chameleon on the k1 and ender. both are working good. i really like the ender cause of clippy.
so ive been messing around with a clippy for the k1 based on the sovol design, i think the frame is in place. but the knife is going to far through giving no space for filament to go through.
i did use Extruder fan mount for Creality K1 by Alex_cf_Siu | Download free STL model | to get the base that can be clipped on and already have screw holes to add the clippy frame on it ive pulled back the lever part and extended the frame. once that is in place and i see knife is going correctly. i will extend the lever for cutting this. if anyone wants to help design this. we can make the k1 with chameleon a faster colour printer then Bambu with the ams due to shorter filament distance to change colours.
3DChameleon WIP Creality k1 (
How is this coming along?
so closing this project as i found out that im not liking the result.
yes it does cut but few things to take note
1 if tip cut off it gets pushed down and can cause a jam, had this multiple times.
2 if the filament is cut over 80mm of additional fillament needs to be purged in wipe tower and more to get your colour out.
so ive been working on tip shaping without the cooling and heating again, and from the looks of it i got it down to a nice tip that does not cause jam and can be extruded and retracted without any problem.
colour changing time is 1m 9 seconds including wipe tower actual colour change is like 30 to 40 seconds. stil faster then bambu with 2min for each colour change
here are some screenshots of the results from the following gcode.
{if previous_extruder>-1}
{if next_extruder!=previous_extruder}
; Creality K1 3D Chameleon Mk3 Mode 3 Tool Change GCode for PrusaSlicer
; - 3D Chameleon Mk3 Tool T{next_extruder} -
;begin switch from extruder {previous_extruder} to extruder #{next_extruder}
G0 E-2 F500; retract to prevent blobbing
; unload extruder {previous_extruder}
G92 E0
G91 ; move to relative mode
G0 E-25 F4000 ; quickly retract the filament to shape it
G0 E-15 F100; slowly allow it to cool
G0 E25 F4000 ; blob elimination
G0 E-10 F4000 ; quickly retract the filament to shape it
G0 E-15 F100; slowly allow it to cool
G0 E15 F4000 ; blob elimination
G0 E5 F4000 ; quickly ram the filament to shape it
G0 E-10 F4000 ; quickly retract the filament to shape it
G0 E20 F4000 ; quickly ram the filament to shape it
G0 E-25 F4000 ; quickly retract the filament to shape it
G0 E-60 F500; slowly allow it to cool
; select next extruder #{next_extruder}
G0 Y3 F2000
{if next_extruder==0}
G4 P550
{if next_extruder==1}
G4 P1000
{if next_extruder==2}
G4 P1500
{if next_extruder==3}
G4 P2000
G0 Y-3 F10000
G4 P400
; continue unloading
G0 Y3 F2000
G4 P5000
G0 Y-3 F2400
G4 P1000
;load new filament
G0 Y3 F2000 ;
G4 P4000
G0 e25 f1000 ; 1.5 seconds required
G0 Y-3 F2400
G1 E40 F600
G4 P400
G92 E0
G90 ; move to absolute mode
keep note this gcode is specifically for my setup where it only takes 5seconds of 3dchameleon pushing filament into my extruder. with colour changing im doing 5.5 seconds (after 4 seconds extruder starts extruding to pull in the filament) in total 5.5 seconds
flushing needs some tuning i was using 134 but bumped it up to 200 for dark to light colourss for next print.
i almost gave up on this last night but today after some debugging of the gcode and fiddling with chameleon i have it doing what i want it to do. im amazed that the chameleon device is working as intended it to be and beyond :D. right now im testing with the extrusion upon loading filament and the flush values. but its looking very promising.
ok so this design is not able to put strong enough force to cut the filament as 1.75 it wil cut off the string though that emerges when retracting it should be enough in my opinion. but for that im stuck with the gcode for the chameleon. when finished retracting the filament out of the extruder i need chameleon to pull for a second or 2 do the cut then push back the filament in and after that pull it completely to switch. im not certain how to setup the gcode for that how make it so that chameleon stays on previous extruder after doing this before choosing the extruder to load
@bill how come you don't have a discord channel it would help a lot with sharing ideas and tips plus can send videos more easily
Any update on this super excited to see it in action?
this is the plan, not sure if it wil work or break :D the right block wil be mounted on the side of the k1 where there is a screw to hold the cover in place (since i always have it off might as wel use it. printing the full set now and then test it out with manual movement see if it cuts filament with this approach
So this is what it looks like for now. It does require some force to cut filament not sure how to fix that.
Need beter springs to fully jump back but the idea works
Thinking of using the right side of the k1 to push in the clippy wil require a strong part that won't break with pushing it in
going to try a different approach one that uses springs (from a pen) once that fits and working wil continue designing the whole
Hi I'd really like to help contribute to this but it looks like your tinkercad link is no good.
Do you mind sharing it again?