I updated to mk4 firmware, reconnected everything, ran the MK4 Gcode Generator, I copy and pasted this code to Pursa, and started the print but now my 3dC will only activate the switch for 6 bumps, not the needed 7 it then moves the head out just a little and then back in to activate the switch and stays there with the switch activated just bumping away endlessly and never starts loading filament into the head. What am I missing?
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I have 1 MK3 and 1 MK4 for sale
I took my unit apart , the bearings are sliding up and down the shaft and I think I had put it together wrong. What is the right way for the bearing to sit in the unit? Where should they ride inside the housing? I have printed a new Bearing holder that I will swap out after work today.
Here is the link to the videos and the gcode https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-1_YqoafEUGcTHNXUyKcNaGgmKnyjk1t?usp=drive_link
Go ahead and send it I am going to put this one on my K1 MAX. I have both K1 and K1 Max.
I sent you an email with the correct address. don't use PayPal address it is wrong
I reset Pursa, but I am still having issues not with the timing now it is with the 3dC itself, It is confused this is hard to explain but when I load the first color it does not get pulled in the extruder the lock is engaged then when it swaps color this is where it is confused it does not pull the first filament out but it just bumps, I suppose it is timing again. grrrr
Sounds like your printer's timing is too fast.
The G4 commands are how long it waits between and during button presses.
You'll need to increase the times that are odd. For example, in your homing code, the 7 pulse delay needs to be larger... The P parameter is in milliseconds. So, if it's 3200, try increasing it to 3500.