Finally took the time to sit down and figure out how to get orca working. Ended up having to make a few changes to the generated mk4 gcode but wasn’t difficult. Not sure if it was because of using orca 2.2, my printer, or something with the generator but I’m ready to get it running now on the Flashforge
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My setup was a complete custom setup that I never shared and no longer have the files.
If I remember correctly I used the numbers on the display after manually moving the head to location. I had to make adjustments to the gcode in order for if to work correctly. I had the switch on the y axis. I had to add the x location into the gcode otherwise it wouldn’t work correctly. I think I also had to flip the nozzle and bed heat gcode in startup but that may have been for another reason
The biggest change on a Flashforge machine is that their origin (x=0, y=0) is at the center of the build plate, not at a corner like most other machines, so you need to make sure your gcode includes that offset. For example, the X ranges from -110 to 110... and the switch will be at (X-110, Y110), that is, x to the left, y to the rear to hit a button back there.
You'll need to modify any generated gcode used to account for their coordinate system.
I'm real close to generating the gcode. Had my 0.4mm nozzle clog and been using the 0.6mm nozzle but I really don't want to recalibrate every filament for this nozzle just yet.
@Jeffery Strahan, where did you mount your sensor? I'm thinking of the back left corner positioned along the Y-Axis where the print head doesn't touch it during bed leveling.
The other strange thing is how FlashForge 5M shows what that position is. Is that number what you plug into the generator or do you have to manipulate that data beforehand?
Thanks for any insight you can give on this!
what did you have to change to make it work for orca?