I made a 3D clippy for my printer, but it simply can't cut the filament. I thought it was a power issue, so I bought a buck converter, tried it with many different voltages and it still didn't cut. (When I say it doesn't cut, I mean the servo goes into the cutting position, but doesn't snap the filament.) Then I tried upgrading to a 40kg servo, but that still gave the same issue. I feel like I'm missing something here. It's setup exactly as I've seen on many other setups, and in your buck converter video. Here is the whole setup idea:
-I have a 20/40kg (tried both) mounted in a clippy
-I have a buck converter connected giving it around 7 volts and 2 amps. (.2 volts higher than needed)
-The servo goes in, doesn't cut it, then sometimes comes out. The other times, the servo goes haywire, makes the OLED screen go black, the starts going out into random positions and then the Arduino restarts
-The mount is rigid and not flexing, as mentioned in similar problems.
Any help is appreciated!
i had a similar problem (i have a 30kg servo). i had to modify the clippy design and reduce the guide hole for the filament. it was too big and the knife just pushed the filament to the edge but didn't cut through.
problem with restarting and overloading is already describe.