Hi everyone, I bought my 3DChameleon a while back. I have printed the updated parts for the SV06 and the Chameleon. When bench testing everything seems to work great. If i go to home the X it will cut the filament. BUT during my test runs it when the print moves the X to 0 it it's very slow and will not cut the filament. I am at a loss and hate to start making big changes with out a firm understanding of what i am changing. Any help would be great.
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Hi Bill, thanks for the fast reply. Yes I added the 3DClippy. I am using the code you have provided with the download. I it’s us running firmware from TH3d and a EZABL from them. I will check the code you have provided here. It is so close lol and I have not heard anyone say they can’t make it work. I have also been watching Chris basement to see if I missed something. Again Bill thank you for your support it means a lot in the day.
When you say cutting... did you add the 3DClippy to it? Also, are you using our sample gcode we posted for it? The block of code that does the cut also increases the motor current. Are you doing that in your code? M907 X1250 ; increase motor current
G0 X0 F200 ; cut filament
G0 X20 F2000 ; return to original position
G0 X0 F200 ; 2nd cut, just to be sure
G0 X20 F2000 ; return to original position
M907 X860 ; return motor current
Those are required on the Sovol SV-06. If your printer is good on the X axis homing and cutting, feel free to replace the two bold lines above with G28 X, which will just home that axis (and cut the filament.) These are for the stock printer... if you've modified it, you'll need to take that into account.