I just got the Chameleon a few days ago and have been having problems since I started. I figured out how to use Prusa Slicer (I normally use Ideamaker) and I put in the auto generated gcode in the tool change section. The tip shaping is just not working properly. I was able to tinker with it enough for it to be removed and slide back in, but it becomes too wide to fit back into the hotend after about 5 layers. The ramming function is not working well either, there is always a string about 2 inches long on every tool change. I use and Ender 3 pro with the Micro Swiss Direct Drive with Hotend upgrade. I tried to use what another post with my setup said for the same problem, but it did not work. Can anyone help?

@Bill I'll be in Cinncinati on August 29th, can we meetup at the Micro Center there and talk about my problem in person if I still haven't fixed it by then? I also heard that you like White Castle if you want to meet up there instead of Micro Center.
Alright, I have been advised to ditch the 3dclippy and start from scratch. I got some new capricorn tubing to go from my extruder to the hotend to better sqeeze the filament and I tried using the MMU tip shaping program, nothing seems to make the tip not bulbed. I did however fix the stringing issue by using the MMU ramming settings.
Looking at your tip, your temperature is too high. Also, it appears that your not pushing the filament back to the tip during the tip shaping process. Perhaps there is a retraction happening before the tool change gcode is happening that is not being taken into account. Also, make sure that during your tip shaping, that you don't back it far enough into the "blue" PTFE tube so that it can cool there. Basically, just ram it to the tip to collapse the string into a small ball... then pull it to the blue PTFE and allow it to cool there. If it doesn't, and it draws it out, it'll be too viscous and will stick to the tip, creating the long string.
I suggest you try and iplement the 3D Clippy. It cuts the filament and my understanding is the cut piece is pushed through the hot end by the new filament. This is one of the challenges that I looked at, but never got the feeding to work correctly. There are a number of designs for Creality type printers