I need some help setting up my UNO and sheild. ive uploaded the code from the github (tiled SelectorFirmwareMk4.ino) to the Uno and wired everything up and once powered up the two motors will do a quick spin before stopping and then only the one placed on the "y" axis will continusley rotate one way then the other. also when pressing the switch nothing happens even though i get the feedback back light on the switch to come on. ive used a sample code from other source to comfirm the motor are in working worder and the pins are right for them.
im using a clone uno, a cmc sheild V3 with a jumper placed on EN/GND (the only one), and the limit switch plug into pins A6/CoolEn
any help would be greater appricatied
Check this link.
You need to change the pin assignments in the firmware to match your CNC shield. The stock firmware only works on the stock electronics.