I recently discovered a way to quickly do tip shaping that loosely emulates PrusaSlicer's cooling moves. GCode:
; Repeat this as many times as you want. I found 3 times was good for my use.
G92 E0
G1 E10 F1500
G92 E0
G1 E-15 F1500
; Stop repeating
G1 E-60 F2000; Unload the filament after tip is shaped.
I also made a Klipper Macro that lets you choose how many times to repeat the moves:
[gcode_macro Quick_Tip_Shaping]
{% set moves = params.MOVES | default(3) | int %}
{% for _ in range(moves) %}
G92 E0
G1 E10 F1500
G92 E0
G1 E-15 F1500
{% endfor %}
G1 E-60 F2000
It can be used like this:
replacing MOVES=3 with however many moves works for your filaments. I will shortly add this to 3dchameleon-klipper.
Nice! does this require the extruder to cool down? I have been just pushing out 10mm of molten filament, then quickly retracting to cold zone for 6 seconds, then quickly pulls out of gears for unloading. I haven't had it fail in thousands of color changes! since it doesn't cool down the changes happen in around 20 seconds!